Polites vibex
Whirlabout is common from Atlanta and Athens southward, but there are is only one record from north of Atlanta (Floyd County). It prefers hot, barren, sandy habitat that is avoided by most other species. Because of potential identification confusion with Fiery Skipper or Sachem, records from North Georgia should be closely scrutinized. The hostplants are Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon), St. Augustine grass (Stenotaphrum secundatum) and other grasses. There are two broods: the first occurs from early May (May 3, Thomas County) to late July (July 28, Jasper County) and the second occurs from August (August 10, Morgan County) to late September in Middle Georgia (September 25, Meriwether County) and to early November in deep South Georgia (November 2, Terrell County and November 4, Early County). Early Date: May 3, Thomas County; Late Date: November 4 (Early County). Conservation Status: Secure.