Rare Skipper
Problema bulenta
Rare Skipper is rare to uncommon in the brackish river marshes along the Coast. It was described from Georgia by John Abbot, who collected it in Coastal Georgia. It was included in the watercolor drawings of Boisduval and LeConte (1829-1833), but for years it was confused with Byssus Skipper and was not “rediscovered ” until 1925 when Dr. Frank Morton Jones collected it near Wilmington, NC and recognized it as P. bulenta. In 1962, John Symmes and H.L. King collected it near Port Wentworth, GA in Chatham County (Harris, 1962). The hostplants are tall cordgrass (Spartina cynosuroides), marsh millet (Zizaniopsis millacea) and wild rice (Zizania aquatic). (Cech and Tudor, 2005). There are two broods: May and mid-August into September. Early Date: May 24 (McIntosh County); Late Date: September 4 ( Glynn County). Conservation Status: The species is endangered, but the Georgia Marshland Protection Act gives it a good chance for survival