Peck’s Skipper
Polites peckius
Peck’s Skipper is locally uncommon in the Mountain counties. It is found in mountain meadows where the hostplant, rice cutgrass (Leersia oryzoides), grows. When Harris wrote Butterflies of Georgia in 1972, there was a single record from Rabun County, but in recent years, many meadow locations have been found across the Mountains. There are two broods with a partial third brood. The spring flight is from early May (May 1, Gilmer County) to mid-June (June 14, Rabun County); the late summer flight is from late July (July 25, Towns and Rabun Counties) into August (August 3, Lumpkin County); the partial fall flight probably occurs in September into October, but we have no records from that flight. Conservation Status: Secure.