Northern Broken-Dash
Wallengrenia egeremet
Northern Broken-Dash is generally uncommon statewide but is sometimes locally common. The habitat is forest edges and the edges of hammocks and swamps. The hostplants are panic grasses including deertongue (Dichanthelium clandestinum) and cypress panicgrass (Dichanthelium dichotomum). There are two broods: May (May 6, Bibb Co), May 22 (Camden), May 19 (Cobb Co) and June (June 6, Harris Co), June 10 (Bartow Co and Talbot Co) and mid- July (July 18, Glynn Co, July 30, Upson Co) to mid-September (Sept 17, Grady Co, Sept 19, Chatham Co). Early Date: May 6 (Bibb Co); Late Date: Sept 19 (Chatham Co). Conservation Status: Secure.