Little Metalmark
Calephelis virginiensis
Little Metalmark, a tiny orange jewel, is rare to locally uncommon on the Coast and rare elsewhere. The habitat is open pine flatwoods, grassy fields, and other open places in Coastal counties such as powerline cuts and rights of way. It is usually found near the hostplant, vanilla plant or deer’s tongue (Trilisa odoratissima), documented across the middle and lower Coastal Plain north to Jenkins, Emanuel, Laurens, Pulaski and Sumter counties. Another hostplant, yellow thistle (Cirsium horridulum), occurs statewide, including in the Piedmont and Ridge and Valley regions where there is no credible record of Little Metalmark occurrence. Historic records from DeKalb County (Atlanta area) and Bartow County (50 miles north of Atlanta) lack details and are discounted here. There are four broods from late March to October. The majority of records are from McIntosh County from March to October. Early Date: March 25 (McIntosh County); Late Date: October 21 (Charlton County). Conservation Status: Secure.