Hessel’s Hairstreak
Callophrys hesseli
Hessel’s Hairstreak is rare and local in Georgia and is found only in 6 counties (Taylor, Schley, Marion, Macon, Peach, Richmond) where its hostplant, Atlantic White Cedar, occurs. The impenetrable thorn-filled, wasp infested, cottonmouth ridden swamps in which Atlantic White Cedar grows is mostly on private land making access to good habitat difficult. Hessel’s is usually seen along swamp edges ovipositing on the host or nectaring on swamp plants such as Clethra alnifolia. Care must be taken in identifying Hessel’s Hairstreak since the similar Juniper Hairstreak occurs in the same habitat at the same time. It has two flight periods, March to early April and mid-July to early August. Most sightings have been from July 15 to July 30. Early Date: March 11 (Taylor County); Late Date: July 28 (Taylor County). Conservation Status: Threatened. All Atlantic White Cedar stands should be preserved.