
Goatweed Leafwing
Anaea andria

Goatweed Leafwing, a skittish and elusive species, is rare to locally uncommon, occurring mostly from the Fall Line northward to the Mountains, with a few records from Southwest Georgia (Colquitt County and Early County) and none from the Coastal counties. The hostplant is woolly croton (Croton capitatus), also called goatweed or hogwort, that occurs in open, disturbed areas and waste places, along railroad tracks, powerline cuts and along roadsides. There is a winter form that hatches in mid to late August and hibernates in winter, mating the following spring. The summer form, the progeny of the winter form adults, flies in mid-June, July and early August. Most historic sightings have been in March, April with a scattering of records in other months. Early Date: March 17 (Colquitt County); Late Date: October 5 (Harris County). Conservation Status: Secure.


Georgia County Records

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