Carolina Roadside-Skipper
Amblyscirtes carolina
Carolina Roadside-Skipper is very rare in the Mountains, the Ridge and Valley and northern Piedmont. The habitat is riparian corridors with the hostplant, switch cane (Arundinaria tecta). There are two broods and possibly three from mid-April to September. The first flight occurs from mid-April ( April 9, Bartow County) to mid-May (May 10, Coweta County; May 16, Screven County). The second flight occurs from mid-July (Fulton County, July 16) to August (Fulton County, August 2). Early Date: April 9, Bartow County; Late Date: August 2, Fulton County, Conservation Status: Probably secure, although the species is rare here at the southern periphery of its U.S range. Colonies should be protected, especially from spring burns of switch cane.