Broad-winged Skipper
Poanes viator
Broad-winged Skipper is locally common in the Coastal Plain and is most numerous in the Coastal counties. As far north as Augusta, it is found in freshwater wetlands, but on the Coast it is common in brackish marshes. The hostplants are big cordgrass (Spartina cynosuroides), marsh millet (Zizaniopsis miliacea) and wild rice (Zizania aquatica), all of which are found in the Coastal counties. The hostplants at inland sites are Carex sedges. (Cech and Tudor, 2005). There are two broods: the first occurs from early April (April 8, Richmond County, April 9, Chatham County) to late May (May 29, Camden County); the second occurs from August (August 6, Richmond County; August 12, Crisp County; August 14, Chatham County) to November (November 10, Richmond County). Early Date: April 8 (Richmond County); Late Date: November 10 (Richmond County). Conservation Status: Secure.