
Brazilian Skipper 
Calpodes ethlius

Brazilian Skipper is local and uncommon in the Coastal counties and the Lower Coastal Plain and uncommon to rare farther north. In recent years, it has shown up in yards with canna as far north as Cherokee County (July 21). It is most numerous in the Coastal counties where its native host, arrowroot (alligator flag) (Thalis geniculata) is abundant, but it is most often seen in suburban yards and urban gardens where garden canna (Canna indica, edulis, generalis) is planted (Cech and Tudor). It also uses golden canna (Canna flaccida) that occurs in the wild in the Coastal counties. There are two broods from June to November (Camden Co- August 30; Glynn Co- August 30, November 1-28; Chatham Co- July 3-30; Wayne Co- June 13; Long Co- June 19). Records northward are mostly from September and October. Early Date: June 13 (Wayne County); Late Date: November 28 (Glynn). Conservation Status: Secure.


Georgia County Records

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