Baracoa Skipper
Polites baracoa
Baracoa Skipper is rare in the counties along the Florida line. The last report was from Decatur County in July 1962. The habitat in Georgia seems to be grassy areas near water, but the native habitat is open pine woods. In Florida, short-cropped lawns are used. Ephemeral colonies in Georgia have several broods from March to October. Georgia records are from Valdosta (Lowndes County) May 31 and August 15, Bainbridge and Spring Creek (Decatur County) in July, Okefenokee Swamp (Charlton County) June 10 and Thomasville (Thomas County), no date. (Harris, Butterflies of Georgia, 1972). Early Date: May 31 (Decatur County); Late Date: August 15 (Decatur County). Conservation Status: Ephemeral species. Colonies need protection.